General Information

Full Name Avinash Kumar
Languages English, Hindi


  • 2022
    PhD, Computer Science
    University of California, Irvine, USA
  • 2022
    Masters, Computer Science
    University of California, Irvine, USA
  • 2015
    Masters, Information Technology
    Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India
  • 2015
    Bachelors, Computer Science
    Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, India


  • Since Jan 2023
    Software Development Engineer
    • F1 Query Engine team (Core Data Infrastructure)
  • 2021
    PhD Intern
    • F1 Query Engine team (Core Data Infrastructure)
      • Enabled foreign key constraints in the logical tree of the query plan.
      • Used the foreign key constrains to optimize FK-PK joins using techniques such as aggregation push-down.
  • 2020
    PhD Intern
    • Core Speed team (Systems and Infrastructure)
      • Worked on the Signal Boosting project for early detection and debugging of performance regressions.
      • Enabled virtual alpha pipeline and integrated it with Incidents Tracker system.
  • 2019
    Software Development Intern
    • Schema Services (Core Platform)
      • Investigated and proposed a solution for the complex and slow running SQL of Salesforce formulas.
      • Devised and prototyped a weighing strategy for the formula functions.
  • 2015-2017
    Software Development Engineer
    • Microsoft Office
      • Worked on the infrastructure for building and testing of Android WXP apps.
      • Developed the monitoring and reporting infrastructure at server side for the Kaizala product.
  • 2014
    Software Development Intern
    • Microsoft Office
      • Developed Sprightly app which can be used to make presentations, brochures etc. on mobile.
      • Investigated the possible integration of Sprightly with existing Microsoft cloud-based products.